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Samchykivka Art

Unique and awesome authentic

Ukrainian decorative art 

CIRSIUM, THISTLE, Budyak, Chertogon, Rep'ah, Chortopolokh.

The name of the plant "Cirsium" is of ancient Slavic origin. It's meaning is "plant, that scares the devil". With this name people emphasized its magical power - the ability to "scare away of devilry" and in general all evil.

Thistle is also a symbol of Scotland. A Scottish knightly order "Thistle" was named after it. The motto of the Order was - no one will touch me with impunity. Samchykivka art is a modern Ethno, and the opportunity to be fashionable and traditional at one time.


Printing doesn`t felt crack, lose color or wash out.

Produced in Ukraine


Material : 100% cotton

Color : White

T-Shirt Woman "Thistle"

SKU: 010
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